ANR SALVE (ANR-19-CE40-0004)

SALVE (Singularities in Asymptotic Limits of Vlasov Equations) is a research project funded by the french ANR (2019-2023). It aims at developing mathematical tools in order to study asymptotic regimes for Vlasov equations where singuarities prevail. Special focus is given to large time behavior problems for the Vlasov-Poisson and Vlasov-Navier-Stokes systems.

The members of the project are:
- Daniel Han-Kwan, PI (CNRS and Ecole polytechnique)
- Cecile Huneau (CNRS and Ecole polytechnique)
- Matthieu Leautaud (Universite Paris-Saclay)
- Ayman Moussa (Sorbonne Universite)
- Isabelle Tristani (CNRS and Ecole normale superieure)
- Leo Vivion, postdoc funded by the project, 2020-2021.


SALVE Webinar (Spring 2021):
- March 25 2021: Fatima-Ezzahra Jabiri (Sorbonne Université)
- April 22 2021: Bertrand Lods (Università degli studi di Torino)
- May 20 2021: Amina Mecherbet (Université de Paris)
- June 24 2021: Toan Nguyen (Penn State University)

SALVE Mini-Workshop (Jussieu), September 23 2021.
Talks by Alexandre Girodroux-Lavigne (Université de Paris) and Lucas Ertzbischoff (École polytechnique).

SALVE Seminar (Autumn 2021):
-October 14 2021: Richard Hofer (Université de Paris)

Last update: 2021 September 28.